Just back from a weekend traversing the South/South East/Anglia region of England.
What should have really been a straightforward trip to London for a wedding, ended up being a little more complicated via a few hundred miles of British A roadage. Happily everything went really well, a couple of directional mishaps (more of that in a moment) here and there maybe but a pleasant weekend had by all.
The wedding was on behalf of my other half's side of the family, and though originally from Norfolk they now reside in North London – Enfield to be exact. So instead of piping it back down the M6 back to Manchester post wedding we carved it into her parents house in Norfolk: a potential 4 hour journey back to Manchester compressed to just over an hour for ride back to Norfolk.
I'd never been to this part of London before, and although it was still distinctly London (London transport signs everywhere for example) I'm led to believe the place is actually in Middlesex (a comparison, for me, I guess is parts of Cheshire falling under Manchester).
Whilst perhaps not a savvy as more central parts of the city, nevertheless it seemed like a lovely place (of the most part). Large of course, I never really got to grips whilst there as to exactly which bit was the main 'high street' or if there were sub centres of the area. The traffic it has to be said was pretty dire....but then again so were the directions we were given (it took around one hour for us to reach the reception in Edmonton from the Church...and we weren't the only ones lost on the route back).
I'd like to go back and have a proper rummage in Enfield. I'd try and dig out some of the better pubs and restaurants (there was an admirable sprinkling of these).
The Robin Hood Pub looks like a good bet. Perhaps I can find a hotel near there (Edmonton looked so green...despite looking on a map of the area and not seeing any parks or countryside listed) and use it as a base to catch up on friends who live in the big smoke.
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