So, I have my blood test for my body MOT tomorrow. It's not so much the giving of blood I'm concerned about, more the fact that I have to fast this evening...and I'm pretty ravenous at the moment. Not sure what's happened to me. Several years ago, I could fast three days and indeed I did a couple of times a month. This was in the belief that I would be flushing my body of evil toxins, possibly after reading some piece about how beneficial it would be. I must admit I lost a fair bit of weight at time, but I'm not entirely sure it was doing me much good. By day three I wasn't feeling to sprightly and a light high permeated by being. This was a proper fast mind...no quickly feeding my face just before sunrise or after the News at 10 with Sir Trevor McDonalds. No, I was subsiding on pure orange juice during this period. I'm surprised I didn't end up like one of those Wonky Willy's in Charlie and the Chocolate Humpa's.
So I reckon I'll do all right tonight, despite still cooking for other members of the family, the taste buds taunted by the flavours break dancing off my non stick pan end. To be honest, since the 'GP's IBM' advised me I was several stone overweight despite weighing the same as I did 20 years ago) I could probably do with a break...I'm perhaps watching too many 'chef's on telly again' shows, and being ever so liberal with the salt, butter and lashes of olive oil. Aside from that I eat really healthily.
But I'll dine on water this evening – I'll prepare a three course meal from this marvellous substance.
I'll stick the recipe's up online once I've completed them and I'm happy with the results.
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