I had my annual asthma check up yesterday – I'd only really started getting it again last year (had it for a while as a kid). Allergies to pretty much anything below the clouds mean that unless I live atop the Himalayas it's something I'll have to live with.
I'm required to take a couple of puffs on the plastic dooby, morning and evening, I guess from now to eternity, unless it self manages and dissipates over time.
So I get a small MOT done on my body and it turns out I have high blood pressure: I'm full of anxiety and anger at the moment...mostly at daft sheep you often see behind the wheels of cars or 'sludging' down the streets, swearing their neck ends off, dropping fast food wrappers from the boot ff their face, anywhere they choose and bringing dogs up to be pugilistic pavement sharks. Perhaps I've been a little too fond of wine of late, half believing that it's actually beneficial. I always say I don't drink in the week, only at the weekends...but my 'weekends' commence on Thursday through Friday, Saturday and Sunday – so I'm necking back a bottle (to be fair I don't always finish it) more nights than I'm not. I don't really see this as the problem though, being only slightly above the recommended units allowance (but of course this is such a broad figure it's hard to take it as gospel).
It's probably a combination of the on set of Winter and this wet gloom (both in the news and in the air) making me a little anxious. Perhaps I was born to hibernate like hedgehogs, although that would mean missing the Halloween and News Eve parties which I'm sure I couldn't do without.
I'm also told (well the computer tells me after chowing down on my weight and measurements) that I'm one to three stone overweight. Odd, I might be a few pounds over – perhaps ½ stone to 1 stone overwieght but certainly not up to three – there would be nothing left of me. And that's the problem with these bits of information we are given – there are too many diversities in people to be told by a text book or a GP's IBM computer what shape and size they should be surely?
I think I'll start reading the horoscopes again, perhaps Russell Grant will make more sense than the electronic nanny...
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