With all the talk up and down the land not knowing if, ultimately, music on the net is a good or bad thing, I've been traversing the lands of myspace this week in the search for new and interesting music. Instead if having something force fed on me by friends and the sharp sword of the media, I thought I'd randomly search up on a name or two then cross reference this till I ended up with a nice wish list of CD's I may purchase over the coming weeks. I already have a healthy list (I say list, it's more bookmarks from various myspace pages). But this method of discovery is so far, so very good. I'm not having some critic (albeit probably very knowledgeable and informative one) advising me on what I may or may not like
The secret is to find a band you like and then cross reference their influences or 'like minded' bands until you unearth a diamond. This might take some time mind...it might take a few hours, it might take a few weeks. But you, in yourself, will know when you've found something which will soothe your soul no matter what weather conditions prevail inside you skull socket.
If you're lucky enough your new 'best band' will be small enough to come visit the tiny venues in your city before growing to such a size you'll be lucky to source a ticket on ebay, never mind that the venue will be hardly intimate. This is not really about discovering the new best thing, as that usually ends in tears. This is more about connecting with the smaller artists and bands that are producing some amazing, beautiful work but haven't been spoiled by overpraise, overhype and huge record companies messing with their mojo's. Of course, you may find bands that have been on th scene for some time and you're just late coming to them. No bother. It's not a race here is it?
Any road, I'm off to find some new music to help me through my current 14 hour fasting period, which ends in the morning...how will one cope.
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